Primera macuquina ¿americana o española o mundial? 8 reales Méjico 1538 y mássssssss

Y el día está llegando. Orlando es una ciudad curiosa. Me gustó más Epcot y después el Sea World.

¿ Ofrecida por su actual dueño de manera privada por 1 millón de dólares? ¿ 300 y 400 mil dólares en subasta las otras 2 piezas conocidas? ¿Se pinchan uranio estos sres. de Sedwick o se lo pinchan sus clientes? ¿Es esta macuquina de 8 reales efectivamente el primer «dólar americano»?

«Most important is the fact that this Mexican “first American dollar” is not represented in any public numismatic museums anywhere, particularly the Casa de Moneda and Banco de Mexico in Mexico City, and the Casa de Moneda and the Museo Arqueológico de España in Madrid, Spain. This piece is lacking in even the largest, most globally encompassing museums, which must adhere to the principle of including the world’s historically most important coins, of which this coin sits undeniably among the top ten.»


¿El de 1732/1733?  Naaaaaaa…ahora el de 1725

Another important Mexican “dollar” being auctioned by Sedwick is a “Royal” round presentation 8 reales struck in 1725 posthumously under the Spanish king Louis I, who reigned for just six months at the age of 17 before dying of smallpox. The standard issues at the time were crude, usually rectangular lumps of silver that barely showed 50% of the intended details, but introduction of machinery made it possible to create a perfectly round and perfectly struck beauty such as this coin, which shows the full Bourbon coat-of-arms on the obverse, flanked with mintmark oM, assayer D and denomination VIII, all inside a legend stating the name of the king and the date 1725. The reverse shows a cross with castles and lions in the quadrants. About three examples are known. Pre-auction estimate for this piece, which grades VF, is $125,000.

Por si acaso